Discover our brand-new platform for field monitoring, which brings a new level of connectivity, ease-of-use, and productivity.


Skope provides a fully independent spectrometer together with its field-monitoring solutions such that they can be operated without relying on any scanner hardware. About one hundred units of the current Camera Acquisitions System have been installed worldwide. After a decade in the market, it is time to innovate and redefine field monitoring.


NYOX is Skope’s new platform for field-monitoring, set to transform field monitoring practices. By bringing the processing hardware directly into the magnet room, NYOX significantly enhances handling, flexibility, and connectivity. The redesigned hardware and software architecture not only simplifies operation but also ensures more reliable and efficient data acquisition. With NYOX, users will experience a streamlined setup, reduced complexity, and improved overall system performance.

NYOX consists of two hardware components and one software component. The hardware includes the base and the controller units, while an additional user-provided PC (Windows) runs Skope’s new Field Explorer (skope-fx) software.

The NYOX base – high-performance field data digitizer, is situated in the magnet room near the scanner, where it connects to a Skope Field Camera (Dynamic Field Camera, Clip-on Camera, NeuroCam 3T, or NeuroCam 7T). The NYOX base handles essential field-monitoring tasks such as field probe excitation, signal reception, and digitization. The base unit is field strength-specific and tuned to the scanner system frequency.

The NYOX controller – processing and communication hub, is located in the technical or console room, functioning as a server. It connects to the NYOX base, the scanner, and additional clients like skope-fx. The controller manages and oversees the field probe data acquisitions. The controller unit is scanner-independent and can be connected to any base unit.

NYOX field monitoring platform - control unit

The graphical user interface of skope-fx has been completely redesigned and offers a more user-friendly experience for field monitoring. Setting acquisition parameters, reprocessing data, and viewing results have never been easier.

Trajectory information is calculated on-the-fly within skope-fx based on the stored field probe raw data. Different field models such as a 2nd or 3rd order spherical harmonics field expansion, can be applied and inspected with just a few clicks.

With the latest version of skope-fx, users can now effortlessly pick up right where they left off. Our new feature allows saving figure layouts and selected data, ensuring that all configurations are preserved. When reopening the program, the workspace will be exactly as the users left it, enabling them to continue their analysis without missing a beat. This enhancement is designed to streamline the workflow and enhance productivity, making skope-fx an even more powerful tool for viewing and evaluating field probe data.

Easy Setup

All new Field Cameras will feature an ODU-MAC® ZERO plug for easy and reliable connection to the NYOX base. The fiber optic connection between the NYOX base and controller, along with an MR-conditional power supply usable within the magnet room, eliminates the need for modifications to the Faraday penetration panel. The data fiber can be routed through an available waveguide without compromising the scanner's shielding.

Compact Data Format

A new hierarchical data format, based on HDF5, allows for the storage of an entire measurement session in a single file. This format ensures that all information required to view and reprocess the acquired data is readily available to the user. By storing only the low-passed raw field probe signal, the raw data size is reduced by a factor of 5-10 compared to the legacy file format. MATLAB and Python readers are provided for the new data format, ensuring seamless integration into existing workflows.

NYOX - compact data format

Upgrade Path

NYOX Upgrade and NYOX Upgrade Plus allow existing customers to upgrade their field monitoring system to the latest generation. The upgrades include the full NYOX platform (base, controller, skope-fx) as well as a one or three-year service for all Field Cameras. Existing Field Cameras can be fitted with a new cable and an ODU-MAC® ZERO plug, or an adapter can be provided for the current setup. Note that a hardware check is required before servicing existing Field Cameras.


NYOX DUO presents a unique opportunity to acquire two NYOX units at a specially reduced price. This exclusive offer is particularly advantageous for customers utilizing Skope Field Cameras across various scanners or field strengths. With two complete NYOX units, all Field Cameras can be operated simultaneously, eliminating the need to relocate hardware.

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