NeuroCam™ 7T

NeuroCam™ 7T

MR Head Coil for Parallel Transmission with 64 Independent Receive Elements and 16 Field Probes for High Image Quality and Stability at 7T.


MRI has revolutionized our understanding of the human brain by providing non-invasive and detailed insights into its structure and function. The advent of ultra-high field (UHF) MRI scanners, operating at field strengths of 7 Tesla and beyond, has opened up new possibilities for exploring the complexities of the brain. However, along with the numerous advantages offered by UHF imaging, several challenges and considerations must be addressed to ensure optimal image quality and reliable data acquisition. The pursuit of answering fundamental questions about the human brain necessitates both high SNR and spatial resolution in UHF MRI. Achieving these requirements simultaneously presents a technical challenge due to various trade-offs and limitations inherent to UHF systems. Innovations in coil design, parallel imaging techniques, and image reconstruction methods are continuously evolving to strike a balance between SNR and resolution, enabling researchers to obtain the highest quality data for insightful brain investigations. Efforts to mitigate field fluctuations, correct system non-linearities, and optimize non-Cartesian encoding schemes are essential for improving image quality and ensuring reliable data acquisition.

MR Imaging

Head Coil with Integrated Field Monitoring for Accurate Neuroimaging at 7 Tesla

NeuroCamTM 7T with its 64 highly sensitive receive elements provides new opportunities for neuroimaging at 7 Tesla. The tight-fitting geometry ensures optimal coil-head coupling, maximizing sensitivity and minimizing signal loss. Additionally, it features an 8 or 16 channel transmit coil, enabling parallel transmission to achieve a homogeneous spin excitation. By elevating SNR and enabling finer spatial resolution, NeuroCamTM 7T captures subtle anatomical details and facilitates the detection of intricate brain activity.


Easy patient positioning


The transmit array and the anterior part of the receiver array can be shifted toward the service end of the magnet for easy subject positioning. The top part of the receiver has indentations on both sides to easily slide it over the subject.

Image Data

Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging

Minimum intensity projection

Acquisition parameters

T2-Weighted Imaging of the Hippocampus

Acquisition parameters

T2 Turbo Spin Echo Imaging

Acquisition parameters

T2 FLAIR FS Turbo Spin Echo Imaging

Acquisition parameters

DICOM Viewer

Further Information & Images

Field Monitoring

NeuroCamTM 7T is available with a fully integrated array of 16 fluorine field probes for concurrent measurement of the encoding fields. The probes are located in the enclosure of the receiver array and distributed around the imaging volume to provide optimal conditioning for the spatial expansion of the spherical harmonics basis fields. The housing of the frontend electronics for the field probe array is attached to the back of the coil, where it does not obstruct the visual field of the rear-view mirror.

Physiological fluctuations

By monitoring the field, adjustments can be made in real time to compensate for fluctuations caused by breathing or other factors, ensuring a more stable and uniform field throughout the imaging procedure. Alternatively, the corrections can be made during image reconstruction by incorporating the measured fields in the process. The figure below shows frequency fluctuations caused by a breathing subject in a 7 T MR scanner as measured by four field probes at different locations in the scanner bore (Courtesy of DZNE Bonn, Germany).

Higher-order field terms

The example below demonstrates the influence of a diffusion preparation on a spiral readout (Courtesy of Sajjad Feizollah and Christine Tardif, McGill University, Montreal, Canada). The data was acquired with a Clip-on Camera on a 7T scanner. The animation on the left-hand side illustrates a field-monitored spiral trajectory that was not preceded by a diffusion gradient. Upon closer examination, distinct characteristics differentiate it from its counterpart on the right-hand side that is influenced by a preceding diffusion gradient. Particularly noteworthy is the considerable disparity observed in the zeroth order term (k0), which represents the fluctuation of the global magnetic field. Upon magnification, discernible amplification of higher order fields is observed beyond the zeroth term. These amplified higher-order fields can be attributed to eddy currents induced by the diffusion gradients. Higher-order terms can have a direct impact on image quality and geometric consistency, which makes their characterization very important.

The ability to simultaneously measure the actual encoding fields provides the opportunity to select more demanding yet efficient readout schemes. To illustrate this, intra-cellular volume fraction (ICVF) maps derived from diffusion-weighted data acquired using two different readout techniques are shown below: echo planar imaging (EPI) on the left and spiral imaging on the right. The usage of a spiral readout, which achieves higher SNR, directly translates into ICVF maps of superior quality.

MontageICVF-EPI MontageICVF-Spiral


NeuroCam 7T 8TX/64RX


By default, NeuroCamTM 7T is equipped with eight independent transmit and 64 receive elements. It includes both, a front and a rear-view mirror for patient comfort and visual stimulation.



NeuroCamTM 7T exists in three versions, each tailored to meet specific imaging needs. Choose from our Standard, Advanced, and Excellence versions, each offering unique features and capabilities for exceptional neuroimaging performance.


The Standard version of the NeuroCamTM 7T is a powerful and versatile option that delivers exceptional imaging capabilities. It includes a state-of-the-art MR head coil with 8 or 16 transmit and 64 receive channels. This configuration provides excellent signal reception and allows for precise imaging of the brain. With its advanced technology and reliable performance, the Standard version offers a comprehensive solution for a wide range of imaging needs.


The Advanced version builds upon the Standard version’s capabilities. It includes the same MR head coil as the Standard version, ensuring high-quality image acquisition. The Advanced version provides the flexibility to upgrade to the Excellence version in the future, allowing you to expand the system’s capabilities as your needs evolve. With its exceptional imaging capabilities and upgrade potential, the Advanced version offers a reliable and future-proof solution.


The Excellence version represents the pinnacle of our MR solution offerings, designed to deliver uncompromising image quality and advanced functionality. In addition to the MR head coil, the Excellence version features a 16-channel field probe array. This innovative array enables precise monitoring and compensation for field fluctuations, resulting in highly accurate and artifact-free imaging. With the Excellence version, you can achieve outstanding image quality and stability, especially for challenging imaging schemes. It offers the most comprehensive solution for cutting-edge research and advanced applications.


This product is developed in collaboration with MR CoilTech.

Some features of the product are still under development and not commercially available yet. Their future availability cannot be ensured. All data and information contained on this webpage are legally not binding and shall not create any warranties or liabilities whatsoever of Skope. CAUTION – Investigational device. Limited by Federal law to investigational use.

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