Defeat artifacts with the NeuroCam 3T.

Acquire high-fidelity anatomical imaging with the NeuroCam
Left to right: T1, T2, and Flair images acquired with the NeuroCam.
Improve imaging with Skope Field Monitoring

Field monitoring technology from Skope allows you to defeat artifacts that compromise your image quality. Demanding neuroimaging protocols can push MRI to their limits and create distortions, thermal drift, gradient delays, and gradient amplifier non-linearities.

Diffusion, Tractography & Multimodality Congruence

To arrive at free-of-these effects images, the NeuroCam and accompany reconstruction technology, skope-i utilizes advanced sensorics and algebraic reconstruction technologies. You can then enjoy diffusion-prepared images with high SNR and intrinsic co-registration with other MR imaging contrasts or indeed other imaging modalities.

– Diffusion –

b = 1000, 6 directions; TE: 76 ms; Voxel size: 1.2 x 1.2 x 4 mm; Total FOV: 230 x 230 x 120 mm; Echo train spacing: 0.9 ms; 30 slices; NEX 8; Acq. Time 7:42
Acquired with the NeuroCam
Reconstructed using skope-i

– Tractography –

b = 1000, 6 directions; TE: 76 ms; Voxel size: 1.2 x 1.2 x 4 mm; Total FOV: 230 x 230 x 120 mm; Echo train spacing: 0.9 ms; 30 slices; NEX 8; Acq. Time 7:42
Acquired with the NeuroCam
Reconstructed using skope-i
Streamlines processed with Olea Sphere ®

– Multimodality Congruence –

Courtesy: Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems research, University of Zurich
fMRI Statistical Gain

Translational research in neuroradiology and neuroscience benefits from higher statistical power and less reliance on image-based post processing pipelines. This is what field monitoring is ensuring.

N. N. Graedel et al., “Feasibility of spiral fMRI based on an LTI gradient model,” NeuroImage, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118674.


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NeuroCam 3T  is the solution that integrates field monitoring  measurements and brain coil receiver capabilities for your MRI system.

In the field with us, nothing is invisible.

The NeuroCam is not a medical device. The statements made regarding the NeuroCam have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The safety and efficacy of the NeuroCam has not been
confirmed by FDA-approved research. The NeuroCam is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Not certified by the European Commission as Medical Device under MDR.