23rd Annual Meeting of the German Chapter of ISMRM
The Annual Meeting is intended for all who are or plan to be active in research based on magnetic resonance – in particular, students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers. It is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in presenting your scientific results and work in progress.
We would like to draw your attention to the Career Options session that will give you insight into current professional opportunities and help you find scientific and industrial leads. This event is an excellent opportunity to make first informal contacts with industry, business or mentors. Join the “Career Options – Panel Discussion from Academia to Industry” (Eng.) with Christoph Barmet, CEO Skope.
The Meeting will be organized in a hybrid mode: physically at ETH Zurich, and, at the same time as a series of Zoom meetings online. We will be happy of course to see as many of you in person on site, but we also understand that travelling may be difficult in these uncertain times. Therefore, whether you choose the on-site or remote participation option during registration, we will give you a possibility to present your talk or poster to everyone, see all the presentations and take part in all discussions. Technical details for the remote participants will soon be announced.
The language for abstracts and presentations is English or German.